ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Gender Advertisements

Okay kiddo, so let's talk about gender advertisements. You know how sometimes on TV or in magazines you see ads for things like toys, clothes, or even food? Well, sometimes these ads are made specifically for boys or girls.

For example, have you ever noticed that there are some toy commercials that only show boys playing with the toys? Or some ads for clothes that only have girls in them? This is called gender advertising. It means the advertisements are designed to target a specific gender, or group of people, based on their gender.

Sometimes these ads show things that are stereotypes, meaning they show things that are supposed to be true for all boys or all girls. For example, ads for girls might have lots of pink and only show them playing with dolls or dressing up, while ads for boys might have lots of blue and only show them playing with trucks, sports equipment, or action figures. Some people think this is not fair, because it tells kids that there are only certain things they should be interested in or enjoy based on their gender.

But sometimes ads can be more inclusive, meaning they show people of different genders doing lots of different things. For example, they might show girls playing sports or boys cooking with their parents. This is better because it shows that people can be interested in and enjoy different things no matter what their gender is.

So remember kiddo, sometimes advertisements are made just for boys or girls and sometimes they can be unfair because they only show stereotypes, but sometimes they can show all people enjoying all different things no matter what their gender is.