ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Gender and development

Ok kiddo, let me start by asking you something simple. Do you know if you are a boy or a girl?

Good, so you know what your gender is. Gender is like a label that we give ourselves based on whether we are boys or girls.

But gender is not just about boys and girls. It also includes things like the activities we like to do, the clothes we like to wear, and the way we talk and act. All of these things can be different for boys and girls.

Now, when we talk about gender and development, we are talking about how being a boy or a girl can affect how we grow up and what opportunities we have in life.

For example, boys often get more opportunities to play sports, while girls are encouraged to do things like dance or gymnastics. Boys are also often told to be strong and tough, while girls are told to be pretty and nice.

All of these ideas about what boys and girls should do and how they should act are called gender roles. And sometimes these gender roles can limit what we can do in life.

That's why it's important to think about gender and development. We want to make sure that everyone, whether they are a boy or a girl, has the same opportunities to grow and develop.

We also want to make sure that people don't feel like they have to act a certain way just because they are a boy or a girl. Boys can like to dance, and girls can like to play football. That's okay!

So, in short, gender and development is about making sure that everyone can grow and develop in the way that is right for them, regardless of whether they are a boy or a girl.