ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Genderless fashion in Japan

Genderless fashion in Japan is when people wear clothing that is not limited to being either for a boy or a girl. It means that everyone can wear any kind of clothes they like, regardless of their gender. So, just like how anyone can use any color they like, people can wear any clothes they like too!

In Japan, this has become a popular trend because people want to express themselves in a way that feels comfortable to them. Some people feel more comfortable in clothes that are traditionally meant for the opposite gender, and genderless fashion lets them do just that.

Genderless fashion is often associated with bright colors, oversized fits, and unique patterns. These clothes are not just for one specific type of person, but for anyone who wants to wear them. No one is left out or judged for wearing something that doesn't "fit" their gender.

It’s important to remember that every person is unique, and genderless fashion lets them express that uniqueness in a way that feels right to them.