ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

General set theory

Set theory is like playing with different colored blocks. Imagine you have a lot of different colored blocks like red, blue, and yellow. These blocks are like different things that you know about, like animals, toys, or foods.

Now, imagine you want to group these blocks together in different ways. For example, you can put all the red blocks together and call that group “red.” Or, you can put all the blocks that represent animals in another group and call that group “animals.”

These groups are like sets in set theory. You can also have sets within sets, like putting all the red blocks that represent cars in a set called “red cars.”

Set theory helps us understand and organize information in a logical way. We can use symbols like ∪ to show the union of two sets (combining two sets into one), or ∩ to show the intersection of two sets (showing what two sets have in common).

In set theory, we can also use special sets like the empty set (which has no blocks in it) or the universal set (which contains every possible block).

By using set theory, we can explore different relationships between different groups of objects and understand them better.