ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Generalplan Ost

Generalplan Ost was a plan made by some people in Germany a long time ago, when they were fighting in a big war called World War II. This plan was made because those people wanted to take over a lot of other countries and make them part of Germany, which they called the "Greater German Reich."

The plan said that the people who lived in those other countries, who were not Germans, were not as good as Germans and that they should all be kicked out or killed or made to work for Germans in a way that was like slavery. This plan was very mean and cruel and it hurt a lot of people.

The plan was divided into different parts, each part covering a different territory, and it had a list of different groups of people who were supposed to be punished or removed from those territories. The plan included things like taking away people's land, and homes, and businesses, and even their basic rights.

Thankfully, this terrible plan was never fully carried out because the people in Germany lost the war and the leaders who had made this plan were punished for their crimes. We have to remember that it's important to treat everyone with kindness and respect, regardless of where they come from or what they look like.