ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Genocide of Christians by the Islamic State

Okay kiddo, let me explain it to you in simple words. There are some bad people in a group called the Islamic State, who don't like Christians. They want them all to go away, or worse, they want to hurt them. They are doing these bad things in a place called Syria and Iraq. They don't like Christians because they think they are different from them and they don't believe in the same things.

So, you know how we have rules and laws we have to follow? They have laws too, but their laws are not like ours. They believe that it's okay to be mean to those who are not like them. They are hurting and killing many innocent people just because they believe in a different thing than they do.

It's really sad, and the world is trying to help the people who are being hurt by these bad guys. We are trying to make sure that everyone gets to live peacefully and happily without any fear of being hurt or killed because of their beliefs. It's important for us to show love and kindness to everyone, no matter what they believe in.