ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Geochemistry is like playing with rocks and sand to learn more about the earth. Just like how you mix colors to make new colors, geochemists mix different types of rocks and minerals to see what happens when they react with each other. They study how the earth's elements (things like oxygen, carbon, and iron) are distributed and how they interact with each other.

Geochemists want to understand how the earth works, and by studying rocks and minerals, they can learn about things like how mountains are formed, how volcanoes erupt, and how the ocean is salty. They use special tools like microscopes and spectrometers to look at rocks up close and figure out what they're made of.

It's like trying to solve a big puzzle, and geochemists are like detectives trying to piece together clues to figure out how the earth has changed over time. By studying rocks and minerals, they can even learn about things that happened millions of years ago, way before humans even existed! So, geochemistry can teach us a lot about our planet, and help us take care of it better.