Mayotte is a very small island that is located in the middle of the Indian Ocean. It is close to Madagascar and Mozambique. It is a French territory, which means that French people control it, but it is still far away from France.
Mayotte is the smallest region of France, and it is only 373 square kilometers big. That is about the same size as two big cities put together. It is made up of two major islands, Grande-Terre and Petite-Terre, and several smaller islands. The biggest cities are Mamoudzou, Dembeni, and Koungou.
Mayotte is also a volcano that has not erupted for a long time, which is good news for the people who live there! The volcano is called Mount Karthala, and it is 2,361 meters tall. The island is covered in forests, and it has many rivers and lakes. The climate is tropical, which means it is warm and rainy most of the time.
Mayotte is known for its beautiful coral reefs, which are underwater structures made up of tiny animals called polyps. These reefs are home to many different kinds of fish and other sea creatures, and they are very important for the island’s economy because many people come to Mayotte to go snorkeling and scuba diving.
Overall, Mayotte is a very unique and beautiful place that is full of natural wonders. It may be small, but it has a lot to offer for people who are interested in geography and exploring new places!