ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Geologic modeling

Geologic modeling is like playing with play-dough to make a pretend version of the Earth's surface and what's under it.

First, you need to gather information about what the Earth looks like in the real world, like what kinds of rocks and soil are there and how they are arranged. Scientists use things like drilling machines and imaging technology to collect this information.

Then, they take all this information and create a computer program that lays out all the layers of rock and soil in a virtual world, just like how you would build a castle in Minecraft.

This virtual world can then be analyzed and studied to make predictions about what might be under the Earth's surface in certain locations, and even to find things like oil and minerals.

Geologic modeling helps us understand how the Earth's surface has changed over time and helps us plan for things like earthquakes and other natural disasters. It's kind of like using our imaginations to explore the Earth from the comfort of a computer screen!