ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Georgian era

The Georgian Era was a time a long, long time ago - over 200 years ago - when a king named George ruled England. This was a really important time in history because lots of things happened that changed the way people lived.

During the Georgian Era, people wore fancy clothes with big wigs and makeup. They had really big, grand houses with lots of rooms and gardens. They liked to dance and have parties with lots of music and food.

But life wasn't easy for everyone during the Georgian Era. Lots of people were poor and didn't have enough money or food. Many children had to work instead of going to school.

One of the most important things that happened during the Georgian Era was a big discovery called the Industrial Revolution. This was when people started using machines to make things instead of doing everything by hand. It made things faster and cheaper to make, but it also caused lots of pollution and some people had to work in very dangerous factories.

Overall, the Georgian Era was a really interesting time in history with lots of important things happening that still affect our lives today.