ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Hello there! You want to know about something called "geosolar".

Well, geosolar is a combination of two words - "geo" which means earth and "solar" which means the sun. So, geosolar is all about using the energy from the sun that falls on the Earth.

The sun is a massive ball of fire that burns constantly and emits light and heat in all directions. This light and heat energy can be collected and used by us in many different ways to power our homes, cars, and even devices like phones and laptops.

One of the ways we can use geosolar is by installing solar panels on rooftops or in open areas where the sun shines brightly for most of the day. Solar panels are made up of tiny cells that convert the sun's rays into electricity. This electricity can then be used to light up homes, cook food, and run various appliances.

Another way we can use geosolar is by tapping into the heat that is stored beneath the Earth's surface. This heat is called "geothermal energy". We can use geothermal pumps to extract this heat and use it to heat up homes and buildings in colder regions.

So, geosolar is simply a way of harnessing the energy that comes from the sun and the Earth. It is an efficient and environmentally friendly way of producing energy without harming the planet.