ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, let me explain gerbe to you like you are five years old.

Imagine you have a bunch of balls of different colors; red, blue, green, yellow, and purple. Now imagine that you want to sort them based on their colors. You put all the red balls in one pile, all the blue balls in another pile, and so on.

A gerbe is a way of sorting objects that are more complicated than just colored balls. These objects are called sheaves, and they have fancy names like sheaves of functions, sheaves of vector spaces, and so on.

Just like when you sort the colored balls, we want to group the sheaves based on something they have in common. For example, we might group all the sheaves that have the same dimension together, or all the sheaves that have a certain property.

But, unlike with the balls, it's not always easy to group the sheaves together. Sometimes the sheaves have overlapping properties, or they're hard to compare to each other.

That's where gerbes come in. They're like a special way of grouping the sheaves that takes into account the special geometry of the space they live in. Imagine you have a bunch of balls, but they're not just sitting on a table. They're on a bumpy surface or maybe even floating in the air! Sorting the balls based on their color may not be easy or even possible in this situation.

But with gerbes, we can still find a way to group the sheaves in a way that makes sense in this more complicated space. It's like finding a new way to sort the balls that works even when they're not on a flat surface.

So in summary, gerbes are a way of grouping complicated objects called sheaves based on some property they share, but taking into account the special geometry of the space they live in. Just like sorting colored balls, but with a twist!