ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

German military law

Okay, let's talk about rules for the German military. Just like at school or home, there are rules that everyone needs to follow to keep things running smoothly and safely.

In Germany, the military is called the Bundeswehr. The leaders of the Bundeswehr are responsible for making and enforcing rules for everyone who serves in the military.

One important rule is that everyone in the military has to follow orders from their superiors. That means if someone higher up tells you to do something, you have to do it. But, those orders can't be against the law or against the rules that the Bundeswehr has set.

Another important rule is that soldiers can't just quit or leave the military whenever they want. Once someone joins the military, they commit to serving for a certain amount of time. Of course, there are exceptions like if there's a medical issue or if someone's safety is in danger.

If someone in the military breaks a rule, they might face consequences. Depending on what they did, the consequences could be small like getting in trouble with their superiors, or they could be very serious like going to jail.

Overall, the German military has rules just like any other organization or group of people. These rules are in place to keep everyone safe and keep the military running smoothly.