ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

German re-armament

So, before World War 2, Germany was really, really angry about losing World War 1. They were told they couldn't have a big army or make weapons anymore, because everyone was afraid they would start another war. But, a man named Adolf Hitler became the leader of Germany and he really wanted his country to be strong and powerful again.

To do this, he started secretly making weapons and building up his army. This was against the rules, but Hitler thought he could get away with it because nobody was really paying attention.

Eventually, though, other countries started to notice what was happening and they got really worried. They told Hitler to stop, but he didn't listen. Instead, he started being more open about it and telling everyone that Germany was going to be the strongest country in the world.

This made a lot of people scared, because they thought Hitler might start another war. And, unfortunately, they were right. In 1939, Germany invaded Poland and started World War 2.

So, in short, German re-armament is when Germany secretly started making weapons and building up their army before World War 2, even though they weren't supposed to. This ended up leading to the war and a lot of terrible things happening.
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