ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ghosts in Tibetan culture

In Tibetan culture, people believe in ghosts, which are the spirits of people who have died but are not yet reborn. These ghosts can be good or bad and can sometimes be seen, heard, or felt by people.

When someone dies, their soul leaves their body and goes through a process called the bardo, which means in-between state. During this time, the soul can encounter different kinds of ghosts. In Tibetan culture, ghosts are thought to be able to harm the living, so people take steps to protect themselves.

One way to protect oneself from ghosts is to wear amulets or talismans. These are objects that are believed to have magical powers and can ward off evil spirits. Another way to protect oneself is to perform rituals or ceremonies, such as burning incense or chanting mantras.

In Tibetan culture, it is thought that ghosts can be appeased through offerings and prayers. When a person dies, their family will often make offerings to the ghosts in order to ensure that their loved one's spirit is not harmed during the bardo.

Overall, ghosts are an important part of Tibetan culture and are believed to have a real impact on people's lives. While some may be afraid of them, others believe that they can provide protection and guidance.