ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Giretsu Kuteitai

Giretsu Kuteitai is a Japanese Military tactic, which means "Phalanx Formation." It is used by soldiers to move forward in a group to attack the enemy at once, like a big wave.

Imagine you and your friends are playing on the playground. You want to go to the slide, but there's a big group of bullies on the way. So, you and your friends hold hands and walk together in a straight line towards the bullies. This way, the bullies won't be able to break through your group, and you can all reach the slide safely.

Similarly, in Giretsu Kuteitai, soldiers stand close to each other in a line and move forward towards the enemy. This makes it difficult for the enemy to break through the line. The soldiers can also attack the enemy all at once, making it easier to defeat them.

So, basically, Giretsu Kuteitai is a way for soldiers to move together and attack the enemy as a strong group, just like you and your friends walking towards the bullies on the playground.