ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Gitanjali S. Gutierrez

Gitanjali S. Gutierrez is a person's name. Just like you have a name, everyone has a name that helps identify them. Gitanjali is a first name and Gutierrez is a last name, which means it is her family name. People have different last names because they belong to different families.

Gitanjali is a lady who is known for her work or achievements in a specific field. Just like you may be known for being really good at drawing or playing a musical instrument, Gitanjali is known for something she is really good at. This could be anything like being a scientist, musician, writer, or artist. She has probably learned a lot and worked hard to become an expert in her field.

Sometimes people become known and famous because their work is important and helps other people or makes the world a better place. Other times, their work is just really interesting or impressive. People may talk about Gitanjali's work and her name might come up in conversations or on the internet when people discuss or recognize her achievements.

If you hear or see the name Gitanjali S. Gutierrez, it means someone is talking about this lady and what she has done. It could be in a book, magazine, or on the internet. People often use names to give credit or recognition to someone for what they have accomplished.