ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Glazing (window)

Have you ever looked out of a window and noticed how it's made up of a bunch of small pieces of glass, also known as panels? Well, the material that holds those glass panels in place is called glazing.

Think of it like a sandwich. The glass panels are the yummy filling, and the glazing is the bread that holds it all together. Just like how bread can be made in different types or thicknesses, glazing also comes in different types and thicknesses.

Glazing can be made of different materials like metal, plastic, or rubber. They're put around the edges of the glass panels to keep them in place and to protect them from breaking or falling out.

Next time you look out of a window, take a closer look at the edges of the glass panels. You might see a thin line of material - that's the glazing doing its job!