ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Global 500 Roll of Honour

The Global 500 Roll of Honour is kind of like a list of really important and special people and organizations that are doing really good things for our planet. It's like a big group of superheroes who are helping to save the earth!

Ok, so let's break it down. The Roll of Honour is a list of 500 people and organizations from all over the world who are working on things like saving animals, protecting our forests, making sure we have clean water to drink, and reducing pollution. Basically, they're doing anything and everything they can to make sure our planet stays healthy and happy.

Now, how do they get on the list? Well, they have to do some pretty amazing things first! For example, maybe there's a person who has dedicated their entire life to saving endangered animals in Africa. They might have started a nonprofit organization that helps to protect these animals from things like poaching and habitat destruction. Or maybe there's a group of people who have created a new technology that can turn plastic waste into clean energy. This would really help to reduce the amount of pollution in our oceans and on land.

So once someone or some organization has done something really awesome like this, they can get nominated for the Global 500 Roll of Honour. A group of really smart and knowledgeable people look at all the nominations and decide who should make the list.

Being on the Roll of Honour is a really big deal, because it means that you're one of the best of the best when it comes to helping our planet. It's like being a superhero, and it shows that you're making a real difference in the world. Isn't that cool?