ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Global Design Database

Let me explain the concept of a global design database to you, as if you were 5 years old.

Imagine you have a special notebook where you draw all the pictures of your favorite animals and toys. Now, think of the whole world having a super big notebook called the global design database. In this database, people from all over the world can share their drawings and designs of lots of things like cars, buildings, clothes, and even toys.

The global design database is like a huge library of drawings and designs that people can look at, get ideas, and use to create new things. It's like a big collection of everyone's artwork.

Now, why is this global design database so important? Well, imagine you want to make a cool new toy, but you don't know how it should look or what it should do. You can search the global design database and see if someone else has already come up with an idea for a similar toy. You can get inspiration from their drawings and designs and create your own unique and fun toy.

Not only can you find ideas for toys, but you can also find designs for other things like cars or buildings. If someone has already created a really efficient and safe design for a car, other car designers can learn from that design and make their cars better. This helps people all over the world to share their knowledge and improve the things we use every day.

The global design database is like a big treasure trove of ideas and inspiration for artists, engineers, and inventors. It allows people from all over the world to connect and learn from each other's creations. So, it's like a big community of people sharing their creativity and making the world a more interesting and amazing place.