ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Global Dossier

A global dossier is like having a big binder full of information about a certain thing or idea. This binder is shared between different countries and groups of people who are all interested in that same thing. Inside the binder, there are lots of different papers and documents that all have important information about the thing that everyone is interested in.

Let's say, for example, that we are all interested in butterflies. We want to know everything we can about butterflies, like how they grow and what kind of food they eat. Everyone who is interested in butterflies can contribute information to the big binder or global dossier. This way, everyone can learn from each other and work together to understand butterflies better.

The global dossier makes it easier for everyone to work together and share information. It helps to prevent people from repeating work that has already been done before, and it also makes it easier to see the big picture of what we know and what we still need to learn. So, if you want to know everything there is to know about butterflies, you can use the global dossier to learn from people all around the world who are also fascinated by these amazing creatures!