ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Global feminism

Global feminism is like a group of kids playing together in a big playground. Now imagine that this playground is the whole world, where there are different people playing different games. Some kids are playing soccer, some are playing hopscotch, and some are playing tag.

Now, because there are so many kids playing different games, they might not always understand each other or play with each other. This is where global feminism comes in.

Global feminism means that girls and women all over the world want to work together to make sure that everyone gets treated equally and fairly, no matter what game they are playing or what country they live in.

So, for example, if a girl in India wants to play soccer, but some boys say she can't because she's a girl, global feminism means that girls in other parts of the world will speak up for her and help her get a chance to play.

Global feminism is about making sure that girls and women everywhere have the same opportunities as boys and men, whether it's in school, work, sports, or anything else. It's about standing together and fighting for each other's rights, even if we are playing different games in different parts of the world.