ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Global game

A global game is like a big game that people all over the world can play together. It's like when you play a game at home with your family or friends, but instead of just playing with them, you can play with people from all different countries all at once.

Imagine you're playing a game of tag with your friends. Now imagine that instead of playing with just your friends who are right there with you, you're playing with other kids from all over the world. Maybe someone is playing in Japan, someone else in Germany, and another person in Australia. You can all play together, even though you're far apart.

This happens through something called the internet. The internet is like a big network of computers that are all connected. When you connect to the internet, you can talk to people and play games with them from all over the world.

Some popular global games include Minecraft, Fortnite, and World of Warcraft. These games have millions of players from all over the world. Some people even make friends from other countries by playing these games together.

So, a global game is a way to play and have fun with lots of people from all over the world, even if you're not in the same room or even the same country.