ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Globally asynchronous locally synchronous

"Imagine you and your friends are playing a game of tag. Each of you is moving around in different directions and at different speeds. You don't need to wait for your friends to start running, but you do need to be in sync with them to tag them. That's what globally asynchronous locally synchronous means!

In the world of technology, computers and processors work in the same way. They operate independently of each other and at their own pace, but they need to communicate with each other and synchronize their work to get things done.

For example, if you want to send a message from one computer to another, the sender doesn't need to wait for the receiver to be ready. But, the data has to be transferred in a way that both computers can understand it. That's where local synchronization comes into play, making sure that the data is received and processed correctly.

So, just think of it as a game of tag between computers. They can move independently, but they need to sync up to work together efficiently."