ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Goan Inquisition

The Goan Inquisition was a very long time ago in the sixteenth century. Goan is a place in India, where people lived and had their own beliefs and traditions. The Inquisition was like a court where some people were judged if they were not following the same religion as the rulers of that time.

The rulers who were in charge of Goan were the Portuguese, and they were Roman Catholics. At that time, religion was a significant part of everyone's lives, and people were expected to follow the same religion as their ruler. So, anyone who was practicing a different religion was considered to be not good enough and could be punished.

The Goan Inquisition was a way for the Portuguese rulers to make sure that everyone followed the same religion. They searched for people who were not following the religion of the rulers and punished them. The punishments were severe and scary, such as being burned alive, being tortured, or being sent to prison.

The Inquisition lasted for a long time, and many people suffered because of it. People were scared to express their own beliefs and traditions in fear of being caught and punished. The Inquisition was eventually stopped because people around the world began to realize that it was not fair to punish people for having their own beliefs.

Overall, the Goan Inquisition was a very unpleasant and dark time in history, where people were punished harshly for not following the beliefs of the ruling class. However, as time passed, people began to realize that everyone should be allowed to believe in whatever religion they want, and everyone should be treated equally, no matter their religion.