ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Golden Age of medieval Bulgarian culture

Imagine you live in a big castle a long, long time ago. The people who live in your castle are called Bulgarians, and they are very smart and creative. This time in history is called the medieval period, but we like to call it the Golden Age of Bulgarian culture because so many amazing things happened.

During this time, the Bulgarians made beautiful paintings, wrote wonderful books, and built huge churches with shiny gold domes. They also invented many things that made their lives easier, like a machine to grind wheat and a way to make their clothes colorful using natural dyes.

The Bulgarians were very religious, and they spent a lot of time praying and singing in their churches. They made amazing religious art and decorated their churches with colorful mosaics and frescoes.

Even the ruler of Bulgaria, called a Tsar, was very smart and loved learning. He made sure that schools were built all over the kingdom so that everyone could learn to read and write. He also invited many important scholars and artists from other countries to visit Bulgaria and share their knowledge with the Bulgarians.

But the Golden Age couldn't last forever. Eventually, the Bulgarians had to defend their kingdom from other countries who were jealous of their amazing culture. The invaders destroyed many of the beautiful buildings and books, and the Bulgarians had to start over again.

Fortunately, the memory of this amazing period in Bulgarian history lives on, and we can still admire the wonderful things that the Bulgarians created during this magical time.