ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Golden projects

Dear little one,

Have you ever had a special toy or something you made that made you really happy? Well, sometimes grown-ups have special projects that they work on that make them really happy too. We call these special projects "golden projects."

These golden projects are ones that people are really passionate and excited about. It's something that they want to put a lot of time and effort into making it perfect. Just like how you might take your time coloring in a picture to make sure it looks just right.

Golden projects are often things that can help people, like a new invention or a charity project that raises money for a good cause. Just like how when you share your toys with your friends, it makes them happy, these projects try to make the world a better place.

Sometimes, these projects can also lead to great success and recognition, which is like getting a gold star for doing a great job.

So, in summary, a golden project is a special project that someone is really excited about because it can help others and make the world a better place. And when they do a great job, they might get some special recognition for it!