Gonin Gumi is a type of business group that was formed in Japan long ago. Imagine you and your friends are playing a game together, and you all have something you're really good at. One of you might be great at building things, another might be good at hunting for food, and another might be good at making clothes. If you all work together and use your skills, you can create a successful group!
That's kind of what a Gonin Gumi is like for grown-ups. It's a group of 5 people who work together to run a small business. Each person in the group has a different skill or job that they're good at.
For example, let's say one person in the group is really good at making things with wood, like furniture. Another person is really good at selling things and convincing other people to buy them. Another person might be really good at managing money and making sure the group doesn't spend too much.
When these 5 people work together as a team, they can create a successful business! Each person contributes their own skills and helps make the business stronger. They share the profits and work together to make decisions about the business.
Gonin Gumi is an idea that has been around for hundreds of years in Japan. It's a great way for people to work together and use their strengths to create something successful.