ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Google Ads

Okay kiddo, so you know how sometimes when you search for something on the computer, some special boxes pop up at the top and bottom of the page with things to click on? That’s Google Ads!

Companies pay Google to show their pictures or words in those special boxes, hoping that people will click on them and come visit their website. It’s like a grown-up version of playing store and putting up signs to attract customers.

But Google doesn’t just show any old ad to anyone who types in a word. They have a special system that tries to match the ads to what people are looking for. So if you type in “cute puppies,” Google Ads might show you pictures of puppies that you can visit online.

And sometimes, if companies really want people to click on their ad, they make a special deal with Google to pay more money. Then their ad gets to show up in more places, and they might get more people visiting their website.

So that’s Google Ads! Just remember, if you see an ad that looks interesting, ask a grown-up before you click on it to make sure it’s safe.