ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Google Pay (payment method)

Google Pay is like a magic wallet that helps you pay for things without using cash or cards. When you want to buy something, you tap your phone on a special machine at the store and voila! The store gets paid and you get your stuff.

But how does this magic wallet work? First, you need to put some money in it by linking it to your bank account or credit card. Then, when you want to use it, you simply open the app on your phone and choose which card or account you want to use to pay.

Google Pay is extra special because it's super safe. Your card details are kept secret and you need to use your fingerprint or a special code to unlock your phone before you can pay. This way, nobody else can use your money without your permission.

So next time you're out shopping with mommy or daddy, ask them to use Google Pay and watch the magic happen!