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Gospel of Basilides

The Gospel of Basilides is an old book that talks about the teachings of a man named Basilides, who lived a long time ago. He believed that there were many different gods and that the world was created by one of them, who was not perfect. Basilides thought that there was a higher god who was better than all the others, and that people could connect with this god through special knowledge and being a good person.

The book talks about how Basilides believed that Jesus was not simply a normal person, but was sent by the higher god to teach people about the way to connect with this greater god. This was different from what many other people believed about Jesus at the time. Basilides thought that Jesus was a spiritual teacher, not a savior who died to save people from their sins.

Overall, the Gospel of Basilides is a book that tells us about the beliefs of a man who lived a long time ago, and how he thought that people could connect with a higher god through learning special things and living a good life.