ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Gothic Bible

Okay kiddo, let me explain what a Gothic Bible is.

Do you know what a Bible is? It's a religious book that many people believe in and follow.

The Gothic Bible is a special kind of Bible that was written a very long time ago, in a language called Gothic. Gothic is a language that people in some parts of Europe used to speak many, many years ago.

The Gothic Bible was written by a man named Ulfilas, who was a really important person in the history of Christianity. He lived a long time ago, around 1,700 years ago!

Ulfilas wanted to spread Christianity to people who spoke Gothic, so he decided to translate the Bible into their language. He worked really hard on this, and it was a very important thing that he did because it helped more people understand Christianity.

Today, the Gothic Bible is very rare and not used very much, because not many people speak Gothic anymore. But some people still find it very interesting to learn about and read.