ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Governmental impact on science during World War II

Ok kiddo, let's talk about how the government affected science during World War II. You know how during the war, many countries were fighting each other and they needed to come up with new inventions to help them win the war?

Well, scientists played a big part in this. They were asked to come up with new things like better weapons, stronger armor, and ways to detect enemy planes. But it wasn't just the scientists working on these things, the government also got involved.

The government gave money to universities and research centers for scientists to work on new ideas. They set up special organizations, like the Manhattan Project, to develop new types of weapons, like the atomic bomb. And they even recruited scientists from other countries to come work for them, like Albert Einstein.

But there were also some downsides to this. Some scientists were forced to work on things they didn't believe in or were even against their own values. And sometimes, the government didn't listen to the scientific evidence and made decisions based on politics rather than facts.

Overall, while the government's involvement in science during World War II helped create many important inventions, it also had some negative effects on the scientific community.