ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Grade separation

Grade separation is a thing we do when we want to keep vehicles (like cars and trucks) and people from getting mixed up with trains. So, when a road (where cars go) and a train track (where trains go) cross each other, we build something called a grade separation.

Now, to explain this to you like you are five, let's imagine a toy train and a toy car. If you have both a train and a car, you don't want them to crash into each other, right? So, you need to keep them separated.

If you try to make the train and the car run on the same road, they might collide because they are moving at different speeds. But if we build two separate roads, one for the train and one for the car, they can cross without crashing. That is what we call grade separation.

So, in real life, we build two separate paths - one for the vehicles (cars and trucks) and one for the trains. We make train tracks go over or under the road so that they don't cross each other. This way, it's safe for everyone to use the roads without worrying about a train suddenly crossing the road.

That's why we make sure to keep the vehicles and trains separated, so they don't crash into each other. And that's what grade separation is all about!