ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Granularity is a fancy word that means how big or small something is. Just like how you can have big legos and little legos, things can be made up of big pieces or small pieces.

When people talk about granularity in computer programs, they often mean different levels of detail. For example, if you're making a game, you might have a really detailed background with lots of tiny trees, rocks, and animals - this would be a high level of granularity because there are lots of small pieces. But if you're making a game that's meant to be played on a phone, you might have a simpler background with fewer details - this would be a lower level of granularity.

Similarly, if you're analyzing data, you might have a lot of data points that show very specific details - this would be high granularity. But if you're looking at data that's been averaged out over time or over a large area, you might have fewer data points that show less detail - this would be lower granularity.

So basically, granularity just means how big or small the pieces are that make up something - whether it's a game, data set, or anything else. It can be high or low depending on how much detail is included.