ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Graphical user interface builder

A graphical user interface (GUI) builder is like a toy construction set, but for computer programs. It is a software tool that helps programmers create the visual part of a program that people can interact with. Think of it like decorating a dollhouse, but instead of physical objects, you're using digital widgets like buttons, text boxes, and images.

Just like how you decide which toy pieces to use and where to put them in your dollhouse, a programmer uses a GUI builder to decide which widgets to use and where to put them in their program. They can choose from a variety of widgets and customize them to fit the needs of their program.

Once they have all the widgets they want, the GUI builder helps the programmer arrange them in a visually pleasing way so that they can be easily used by people. This is important because if the program looks confusing or messy, people may not want to use it.

Overall, the GUI builder is like a digital toy constructor that helps programmers create engaging, user-friendly programs that people will enjoy using.