ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Graphite-Epoxy Motor

So, you know how when you play with your toys sometimes they have different parts that make them move? A graphite-epoxy motor is kind of like that, but instead of a toy it's a machine that helps things go really fast.

The graphite-epoxy part is what the motor is made of. Think of it like a bunch of tiny sticks made out of really strong material that's also super lightweight. These sticks are woven together in a specific way to make the motor really sturdy.

Now, the motor is what makes things go fast. You know how in a car when you push the pedal, the car goes faster? Well, a motor is kind of like that pedal. But instead of using gas or electricity to make things move, this motor uses something called combustion. That's when fuel and air mix together and create a really powerful explosion.

The graphite-epoxy motor is important because it's really light and strong, which means it can help things go even faster. Maybe one day you'll drive a really cool car or ride a super-fast train that uses a motor like this!