ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Grassmann algebra

When we play with numbers, we usually use only two things: addition (+) and multiplication (x). But do you know that there are other ways to add and multiply things? One of them is called Grassmann algebra.

In Grassmann algebra, instead of just having plain old numbers, we have things called vectors. Vectors are like arrows that point in different directions, and we can add them together and multiply them in a special way.

When we add two vectors in Grassmann algebra, we line them up head-to-tail, like a train. We then draw a new vector from the tail of the first vector to the head of the second vector. This new vector is the sum of the two vectors.

But what about multiplying? Well, in normal multiplication, we just take two numbers and multiply them together. In Grassmann algebra, we have something called the wedge product. The wedge product of two vectors is a new object called a bivector (which is like a flat sheet). This bivector represents an area rather than a number.

If we take the wedge product of two vectors that are perpendicular (meaning they meet at a right angle), the bivector that they create will be a square. If we take the wedge product of two vectors that are not perpendicular, the bivector will be like a tilted rectangle.

The cool thing about Grassmann algebra is that we can use it to model all sorts of things in the real world! We can use it to describe rotations and reflections in space, or even to understand quantum mechanics.