ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Great Lakes Waterway

The Great Lakes Waterway is like a big road made of water that connects a bunch of really big lakes. It's kind of like a series of canals, locks, and channels that help boats and ships move from one lake to the next.

There are five Great Lakes that the waterway connects: Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, and Lake Ontario. They're really big and have a lot of fresh water in them.

In order for boats to move from one lake to the next, they have to go through different locks. A lock is like a big elevator for boats. It raises the boat up or lowers it down to a different level of water. This helps ships and boats get over changes in elevation between the different lakes.

There are also canals and channels that are specially designed to let boats travel through the waterway. They're like really big paths made of water that boats can follow to get from one lake to the next.

The Great Lakes Waterway is important for things like shipping and transportation because it connects a lot of different places together. It lets boats and ships travel all around the Great Lakes region of North America, which is really important for trade and commerce. Plus, it's a fun way to explore and see the different lakes and sights along the way!