ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Great Officers of the Crown of France

Okay, so in France a loooong time ago, there were super important people called Great Officers of the Crown. These guys were kind of like the president or the CEO – they had really big jobs and lots of power.

There were lots of different Great Officers, but some of the most important ones were the Chancellor, the Treasurer, and the Constable.

The Chancellor was in charge of all the important paperwork, like making sure everyone’s documents and contracts were okay. Think of him like the secretary of the government.

The Treasurer had a really big job too – he was in charge of all the money! He made sure that the king had enough money to do all his cool projects, like building castles or going on fancy vacations.

The Constable was kind of like a police officer – but he was in charge of the army as well! He made sure that everyone was safe and protected, and that the king’s army was strong and powerful.

Together, all these Great Officers of the Crown made sure that everything was running smoothly in France. They were kind of like a big team, each with their own important jobs to do. It was a really important time in France’s history, and these Great Officers played a big role in making it all happen!