ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Greater Finland

Have you ever heard of Finland? It's a country in Europe, kind of like how the United States is a country in North America. Well, some people have this idea called "Greater Finland" which means they think Finland should be bigger and include other places too.

See, a long time ago, Finland was actually part of a bigger country called Sweden. But then in 1809, Finland became its own separate country, with its own language and culture.

Now, some people who like the idea of Greater Finland think that Finland should be even bigger and include places like Karelia (a region in east Finland) and even parts of neighboring countries. They believe that these places have strong Finnish culture and should be part of Finland.

But not everyone agrees with this idea. Some people say it's not fair to just take over other countries' land. And other people think that Finland is fine the way it is and doesn't need to be any bigger.

So, in short, "Greater Finland" is just an idea that some people have about making Finland bigger, but not everyone agrees with the idea.