ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Green card

A green card is like a special piece of paper that lets someone who is from a different country live and work in the United States very easily. It's like a magic pass that says they are allowed to be here and do the things that American people do, like go to school, get a job, and live in a house. It's called a green card because it used to be green, but now it's mostly white with some green on it.

Getting a green card is not easy. It's like a big test that you have to take. You have to show that you are a good person and that you won't cause any problems in the United States. You have to give lots of information about yourself, like your name and where you were born, and you have to show that you have enough money to live here without the government's help.

Once someone gets a green card, they can stay in the United States for a long time. But they have to be careful not to do anything that would get them in trouble or make the government take away their green card. If they do, they might have to leave the country and go back to their own country.