ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Green criminology

Green criminology is like being a superhero who saves the planet from the bad guys who harm the environment. Just like you need to protect yourself when you go out, green criminologists protect the environment from people who may harm it. They do this by studying and understanding the different ways that people break the laws designed to protect the environment.

Imagine you're playing with your toys and someone comes and takes away your favorite toy without asking you. That's not fair, right? Similarly, green criminologists study how big companies, governments or people often do things like cut down trees, pollute rivers, or hunt endangered animals without asking for anyone's permission. This leads to a lot of problems for the environment, like causing air and water pollution, climate change, and destroying natural habitats.

Green criminologists use their special powers to find these bad guys and prevent them from causing more harm to the environment. They also work with other people like scientists, politicians, and lawyers to make stricter rules that protect the environment and punish those who break them. By doing this, they help to ensure that we all have a healthy and thriving planet for many years to come.