ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Gridiron (cooking)

Gridiron is a type of cooking method that is often used to cook meat or vegetables over an open flame or coals. Imagine playing with a toy stove in your pretend kitchen, but instead of using a pot or a pan, you place your food on a special grill made of metal bars. This grill has spaces between each bar, like the rungs of a ladder, and your food sits on top of these bars while being cooked.

When you want to cook something on a gridiron, you place it on the grill, and it can be moved around to different spots to control the heat. As the food cooks, it develops a yummy charred flavor that is crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside.

People have been cooking on gridirons for centuries, and it is often used in outdoor cooking situations, like camping trips or barbecues. It's really fun to use, and the food tastes delicious!