ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Grievance studies affair

Okay kiddo, so the grievance studies affair is like a big story that happened in universities where some people wanted to see if they could get really silly and fake research papers published in academic journals. These research papers were about really strange topics like how to recognize dog rape culture or why men should be trained like dogs.

Now you might be wondering, why would they do that? Well, they wanted to show that some of the journals that published these kinds of papers care more about being politically correct and agreeing with certain viewpoints than they do about actual facts and research. They wanted to show that some people care more about feelings than facts.

So, they wrote these papers making up fake data and using big words to sound smart. And guess what? Some of these papers got accepted and published in real academic journals!

When people found out about this, some folks were really mad. They said that this just showed how some people in universities are too serious about being politically correct and not serious enough about real research. Other folks said that the people who wrote these fake papers were being cruel and disrespectful to those who really are researching important topics.

So, the grievance studies affair was a big controversy that happened where people tried to see if they could get fake papers about strange topics published in academic journals, and it caused a big debate about what should really count as good research.
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