ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Gross domestic income

Gross Domestic Income (GDI) is like the allowance you get from your parents. When you do chores like cleaning your room or helping with the dishes, your parents give you some money. This is like how businesses and people make money by selling goods and services, and the money they make is added up to create GDI.

GDI is like a big piggy bank that holds all the money made by a country's businesses and people. Just like how you save money in your piggy bank, businesses save their money in banks and invest it in their own company or in other businesses. This means that more money gets added to the piggy bank over time.

The government uses GDI to see how well a country's economy is doing. If many businesses and people are making money, it means the economy is healthy. If not many businesses are making money, the economy might not be doing so well.

So, in summary, Gross Domestic Income is like a big piggy bank that holds all the money made by businesses and people in a country, and helps us understand how well the economy is doing.