ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Group-dynamic game

A group dynamic game is like playing with your friends in a big group! Imagine you and all your friends are in a big circle and you are holding hands. On the count of three, you all have to flip around by turning towards the person next to you. When you do this, your friend's friend's friend will be holding your hand! Then, everyone tries to untangle the circle by following the rules of the game.

In group dynamic games, everyone works together to complete a task or reach a goal. It's like when you and your friends work together to build a big tower out of blocks. You each take turns adding to the tower and help each other out if someone needs help.

These games are great because they help us learn how to work together and communicate better with our friends. They also teach us the importance of listening and following instructions. Plus, they're so much fun to play!