ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Guan Li

Guan Li is a word in Chinese that means "management" or "governance" in English. It is like when you are playing with your toys and putting them away neatly in their boxes after you are done playing. That is you managing your toys.

In China, guan li is used to talk about how people in charge of things like government, schools, and businesses make rules and decisions to keep things running smoothly. It's like a grown-up person making rules for everyone at a party so that everyone can play and have fun safely.

When there are problems or something goes wrong, the people in charge use guan li to fix the problem and make things better. It's like calling your mom or dad to help you fix a toy that is broken. They are using their guan li to make sure you can continue playing with the toy.

So, in summary, guan li is how people in charge make rules and decisions to keep things running smoothly and fix problems when they happen.