ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Guard band

Okay kiddo, imagine you have a bag of candies and you want to give some to your friends. But you don't want to give them all the candies in the bag, you want to keep some for yourself. So you decide to put a few candies in a different bag, which you call the guard bag. This way, if your friends accidentally take some of the candies you wanted to keep for yourself, you'll still have some left in the guard bag.

Now, let's pretend that the candies are frequencies used by different electronic devices, like phones or radios. There are some frequencies that are used for important things, like emergency services or airplane communication. We don't want other devices to use these frequencies by mistake and interfere with those important things. So, we create a "guard band" of frequencies that are not used for anything else, kind of like the guard bag for your candies. This way, if any other device accidentally uses those frequencies, it won't interfere with the important stuff in the other frequencies. It's like a safety net to make sure everything runs smoothly and everyone can use their electronic devices without any problems.