ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Guard stone

Hey kiddo! So, have you ever heard of guard stones? They're really cool! Guard stones are big stones that people put at the entrance of their homes and buildings, kind of like a special kind of decoration. But guard stones don't just look pretty - they also have a very important job.

You know how sometimes people have a fence around their house to keep bad guys away? Well, guard stones are kind of like that, but for a long time ago when people didn't have fences. People believed that guard stones could keep bad spirits and creatures away from their homes and families.

People used to think that guard stones had magical powers. They believed that guard stones were like strong protectors that kept their homes safe from bad things like ghosts or monsters. So, anytime someone tried to do something mean or scary, the guard stone would scare them away!

Nowadays, people still use guard stones, but more for decoration and tradition than for protection. People like to have guard stones to show off their culture and heritage, or just because they think they look neat.

So, guard stones can be kind of like a mascot for homes and buildings. They were used for protection long ago, but now they're more like a cool thing people put at the entrance of their homes to represent themselves. Pretty neat, huh?